Newbury Park, California   669-300-7420

We are creative

The power of rebranding

By Lorraine Kaiser

In the realm of healthcare consultancy, a company’s brand is not merely a symbol or catchphrase; it embodies the organization’s standing and reputation within the community. It wields the power to either attract or dissuade consumers before any direct interaction takes place.

Several years ago, I undertook the challenge of re-branding a specialty hospital in the southwest United States. Plagued by a tainted reputation stemming from years of mismanagement by the county, this facility, strategically located between the medical school and various teaching hospitals, was familiar to every healthcare professional in the community. Whether a novice intern or a seasoned practitioner, they all shared firsthand knowledge of the hospital’s negative reputation.

When a national hospital brand acquired the facility but opted to retain the original name for familiarity, it became evident that overcoming the financial implications of this decision required a robust business development (BD) strategy. Implementing a strategic plan, we executed a measurable action plan to enhance admissions, diversify the payor mix, and expand the geographic footprint. Within six months, the hospital underwent a transformative re-branding, garnering positive perceptions within the community and achieving a threefold increase in patient admissions, meeting census goals for the first time in decades.

The art and potency of re-branding offer organizations unique opportunities that go beyond a mere name change. Conversations sparked by the re-branding initiative open dialogues about past challenges and their resolutions. It allows BD representatives to expound on growth plans and expansion strategies, akin to Johnson & Johnson/Tylenol, where an organization confronts crisis management and shares its vision for the future with the community.

During the launch phase of a rebrand, relationship-building becomes paramount. Acknowledging the challenges of the past engages audiences, fostering curiosity and a willingness to provide a second chance. These conversations often evolve into valuable exchanges where community members share their previous experiences with the facility, providing insights crucial for addressing and preventing future challenges.

Healthcare re-branding, when executed with a well-crafted strategic plan, presents a unique opportunity to build or rebuild relationships and initiate discussions about well-known problems of the past. Zuma Pointe Consulting stands ready to provide the strategic planning tools necessary for the successful management of re-branding projects. For further insights on how Zuma Pointe can elevate your organization, contact us at Success awaits those who embrace the transformative power of strategic healthcare re-branding.